What True Change Requires.
Written by Osbaldo Camacho-Perez on June 17th 2020
"True Change? Sounds hard, I like that."

In todays day and age, the desire for instant and easy is at an all time high. The Western World has seem to given many of us the false belief that true pleasure, joy, or results may be bought or gathered quickly. The true reality of the way human nature and the world we live in works is that, 

True Change takes definite 
Effort, Time, Pain, A Relentless Dedication, Understanding, and Ultimately the Acceptance that change in itself will not bring you the fulfillment you seek, it all needs to correspond with the way you'd truly like to live out your life.

Accept true change is not easy or fast nor will it ever be. Lean into the smooth, daily work you need to continuously begin & initiate now.

Ultimately Leaning into the True, Daily Living out of Your Life.


EFFORT | Put it in Daily

Effort will need to be put by You each and every day. There is no " I will do (x) for 6 months, achieve my goals, and be happy forever". If something seems too easy to achieve or effortless, realize it is most likely a temporary, damaging or simply incomplete "fix".

Within the realm of Health, Fitness, and Well-Being this daily effort would be in the daily practice of mindful nutrition, dedication to daily exercise, and regular sleeping schedule to stay physically well. If you lose stride for a month or two ( even 2 days can turn into 2 decades fast! ) , your results will slowly deteriorate. 

It is easier to simply stay " ON " every day. Daily effort is a must.

Effort is one of the staples that will need to be taken into practice when it comes to truly changing WHO YOU ARE. 

Ultimately making anything and everything you would ever want to happen in your life, to come TO LIFE because.... well you did the proper work.


TIME | Work with it

Nothing worthwhile happens overnight.

It will take a natural progression for You to actually develop any true change you are seeking. There are phases and steps within every field that must be gone through in order to ultimately reach your destination.( ps. the destination will always be in front of you.... just commit unwavering focus on the granular step that is now.)  

You can not skip any step or phase in front of you. This leads to inevitable failure. Every step and phase has a reason of being, all developing the ability for You to appreciate, understand, and sustain your change for the life-term.

In Health and Fitness, this is shown in the reality that an admirable physique takes many years when done naturally. It will take 3-5 years in order to reach a truly admirable physique. You can't just skip all the phases of being "too small", "not lean enough", or "skinny-fat" in order to slowly reach an admirable body that has a solid amount of muscle mass that does not have a layer of "softness" ! You must surpass all stages of the body to slowly reach a better body than you would have ever imagined when you first began!

Respect the Time required to actualize your change!

Work with Time by slowing down your efforts to your singular, granular current step!


PAIN | Oh it will hurt

When done currently, true change requires you to go through phases of pain. 

You can not change without feeling some pain or discomfort. Adapting to a new way of being, developing a new body, or skills that you have never had before requires pain on your end. You can not simply achieve things you have never done beforehand without fighting yourself to put in the work, stop blaming, stop procrastinating, failing, and continuing to see your own "vomit".

Learn to enjoy looking at your Vomit. Understand your vomit, "what did i eat?", "why is it blue?", "why at this moment?" , and then clean it up!

Pain ( your Vomit ) is an amazing Teacher? What is the True Origin of this specific Vomit? 

" Is it a re-occurring that has plagued me for years or decades? "

Look at Pain objectively, nakedly, and Face it Fully.

It is painful to see yourself fail often and face your current inadequacies daily. You will have to keep micro-progressing past that. It is easier in the moment to disillusion yourself that you are not good enough, what you want is out of your personal ability, or that you out of all human beings are somehow limited..

You can learn, do, achieve, and be whatever you please. If you truly desire to do anything in this world. Go through and embrace this pain. 

Pain is an indicator of true change.

Make Pain a welcomed visitor in your Daily Life.


Relentless Dedication | You Simply Don't Stop

Once you know what you truly want. Go after it, every. single. day.

Do not stop nor deviate no matter what obstacles or issues arise. True change will continue to come when you switch into the mentality that nothing, absolutely nothing will stop you. Only your own death.

Yes, Death. " True Change " should be in congruence with how you'd like to Live out your entire Life, that is why the only "stopping" should be physical or cognitive inability to continue.

 That is how bad you must desire the change that lasts. Put whatever change you aim to make at the forefront of your life. 

Put it in steps, Identify the next Singular, Granular Step & Make it Happen Daily.

Within Health & Fitness, when I desired an amazing physique. It was the most important thing in my day to day living. I made my life move around this objective. My energy level, obligations, responsibilities, emotional state did not matter. I made sure to stay nutritionally on my game as well as hit the gym 6-7 days a week. There was no maybes. 

I sacrificed sleep and "free time". It was simply of the upmost priority. I'd say #1 priority actually.

Now being more mature, my business mission statement is my reason for breathing. "Transforming Men's Lives through Self Mastery". 

I will continue to achieve this until I stop breathing. Or it will evolve with the coming decades, I'm open to either...

Human beings prioritize what is important to them. 

Prioritize correctly, be precise. You will ll develop this relentless dedication.


Understanding | Know What You're Doing, Where it ALL Leads

The only way you'll be able to keep any change you make is to have the understanding of how you got there and why you even made the journey in the first place. 

Develop understanding of the way you are currently living your life and the work you are putting in daily.

You can't just simply ask, pay, or get someone to give you the exact steps in order to reach and sustain your goals. You will only have your change as to when that external thing or person is around.

The moment that goes away, so will the change you had acquired. I have seen this time and time again, many people go through phases of being inspired and having coaches to lead them towards their goals. The moment the coach isn't around, they slip and fall.

This slipping will occur no matter what, that is a natural part of the upward progress you are creating. With understanding you will always have the ability to get up and know how to begin stepping again. When blindly following you do not learn and will be lost when you take charge of creating your change and life.

Develop understanding of anything you aim to be part of your Life. That is the only way it will stick around.

This is achieved by using coaches, pre-determined pathways, history, books, mentor, and resources as tools. Yet leaning into your own daily work experience to be able to be sovereign in your own growth, development, and carving of yourself in this Life.


Acceptance | Change Won't Ultimately Fulfill

Alright, although a little bit of a "grey" fact here.

Achieving, progressing, bettering, and actualizing won't in themselves fulfill your Life.

The beauty will forever and always be in the right here and now, as well as all that you go through in order to BECOME. 

You can get the most crazy physique you'd ever want, dream job, jaw-dropping partner, or successful humanity impacting business.

Your ability to be content and at peace as to where you are at at any given moment makes true change effortless. 

Get there mentally, spiritually, & completely. 

All difficulties of true change become the Joy!

This will only come when you accept the moment entirely, lean into the daily work, & it is all in congruence to the true vision of who you are continuously becoming.

Sure, you may be lost and uncertain now. Sure, you may happy and well now...

That is exactly why whatever True Change is required in your life at this very moment, you need to continue to push yourself through.

Simply live it out, and make sure to squeeze every drop of Life as you are living it. 

The entire experience is the Substance, be aware enough to fully drink it & taste it ALL.

No matter what, you're living, breathing, & growing. This too shall pass. 

Be content now & ensure you're always stepping into the full truth of all that you can be.

Osbaldo Camacho-Perez

Osbaldo is the Founder of Osi; Health Fitness Performance Coach & Trainer.

Curating Excellent Results is Our Single Minded Focus Here at Osi. 

Taking Charge of Your Health, Fitness, & Daily Performance is Where We'll Start. 

A Wow Outcome is Where We'll Take You.

Osbaldo Began his Own Health & Fitness Journey at 14. By 22 the Entire Growth Experience got Osbaldo Infatuated with the Truth of Human Growth.

Leading him to Find Osi.

If You're Hungry for Excellence, Growth, & Results. You Will Enjoy Yourself Here.
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