But if You Only Wanted to You Could Master It.
Written by Osbaldo Camacho-Perez on August 6th 2021

"Sin is a predatory cat that crouches at your doorway & leaps on you at will. But if you only wanted to you could master it.”

This paraphrase was done by Jordan B. Peterson from the biblical story of Cain & Abel. In short, pointing at the fact that as a human being our ability to "miss the mark", slip, or fall short in any way shape or form is not only possible but a constant possibility that leaps at you from the shadows.

A scary reality that I enjoy taking into my own life in the hopes of being able to overcome my own deficiencies as a man as I continue to live. 

Although difficult to not "miss the mark" and fall to our ways when it simply seems to pop up in front of us, especially in our most vulnerable or weak moments. It points to the the simple fact that if we truly aimed to master & overcome it... we could.

It is definitely not fun to take on the fact that we are in a constant battle to falling to our lower ways, especially subscribing to this reality that we often fall short due to our very selves. I do love the fact it points to the simple truth that we can overrule it through simply and truly wanting to.

Allowing our true desire to simply overcome any & all of our own deficiencies. 



It Keeps You on Your Toes w/ The Power to Overcome.

Living in a world that is not always working for your best interest serves your ability to stay sharp. It's not that the world is inherently out to get you but it is the reality that there are real dangers & traps that surround the life we live. From the danger of falling off a cliff to the the trap of unknowingly lying to ourselves.

One is more visual and instantly detrimental than the other, but both end in our very own peril.

Realizing and walking with this reality, makes us deeply tune into what, when, and where these dangers & traps lie in our own lives.

In order to get this out of the world of the abstract I would like to bring my own battles of setting & sticking to a consistent sleep routine.

I am acutely aware as to how important regular sleep is to health, well being, performance, and ultimately the entire act of living. Yet I continue to find trouble with shutting off for the night at a proper hour on a consistent basis. I have battled this issue periodically during different stages of my life and I can now confidently say that this issue manifests from my own deep dissatisfaction, leaning towards ambitious desires and a pattern of deep introspection.

I suppose that is the periodic cost of a deep curiosity for the life we're living and a virtuous ambition to bring forth anew in the world.

The ending phrase of Peterson's statement, "But if you only wanted to you could master it.", made me smile because I realize how true this is when it comes to any re-occurring issues, downfalls, or short-comings we face in our daily lives. If I truly aimed to master it at all costs, I could. If you truly aimed to master any re-occurring issue you are facing, you can.

Hearing this repeated provided me a resurgence of hope that I am not only able to sharpen any & all short-comings but all that is required is the complete devotion to mastering them.

I would like to pass this on to you. There is irrefutable power when it comes to a man finally deciding with his entire will that he will overcome.

Decide now, devote your entirety on overcoming, and you will.



In a sense this interpretation of this biblical story that adopts the reality that Cain slew Abel ( the highest ideal ) out of pure anger and disobedience. When he could have simply listened and lived a better and more fruitful life through listening. But instead fell into the depths of darkness, hatred, & resentment by killing his own brother.

This points to a dark reality in a man's life.

We can become better by dying to the truth & doing whatever is required to truly become better or we can fall to the depths of darkness by ignoring this truth that lies in front of us & setting our own ways moving forward.

I would allow this story to point you to what is going on in your own life right now. Asking these necessary questions; "How am I failing to be better now?" "How am I setting my own standard rather than just dying to the truth?"

"How am I metaphorically killing my own brother ( the highest ideal ) rather than just becoming better as he?"

Ask these questions genuinely and you will reveal an area in your own life thats requires refinement towards your own betterment and growth.



When it comes to biblical stories or absolutely anything that has lasted the test of time in life that we have human beings have collectively held on too. I always aim to squeeze the truth out of it.The essence of whatever the story or lesson is passing on and why we as human beings are still resonating with certain stories & information.

 No matter what, when, & where. At this point of humanity, 2021. As human beings we are bombarded with an immense amount of information. Especially in this digital age of quick, snappy, and instant. Most of it is truly junk and transient information of the times that doesn't actually benefit you or your own life.

I would pass on to you to truly care for what you allow yourself to consistently absorb in the form of information & experiences of any kind. Aiming to squeeze the substance & truth out of any & all of it regardless.

Although all information does carry a thread of truth, there still lies the reality that there is a spectrum where a chosen few contains more fruitful substance that adds to your life. While the rest, for the most part simply wants your attention as a commodity.

Your entire life, information you come across, and all experiences. Squeeze the truth out of it and move forward deeply caring for what you allow yourself to consistently do, be around, and take in.

And remember, no matter what you're going through, or how bad it may be... if you only wanted to, you could master it.

Osbaldo Camacho-Perez

Osbaldo is the Founder of Osi; Health Fitness Performance Coach & Trainer.

Curating Excellent Results is Our Single Minded Focus Here at Osi. 

Taking Charge of Your Health, Fitness, & Daily Performance is Where We'll Start. 

A Wow Outcome is Where We'll Take You.

Osbaldo Began his Own Health & Fitness Journey at 14. By 22 the Entire Growth Experience got Osbaldo Infatuated with the Truth of Human Growth.

Leading him to Find Osi.

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